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Update to Ekos SE

ekos se

Five years since launch, the Linn Ekos SE is still the best tonearm available, and now Linn have responded to customer feedback to make it compatible with an even wider range of turntable cartridges.

Linn Ekos SE now features a longer headshell (by 2mm) as standard which means that larger cartridges can be fitted to the tonearm, which makes Linn cartridges easier to fit. Plus if required, a new, heavier counterweight (40g heavier than the standard weight) is available to purchase separately for use with heavier cartridges.

Linn have also updated the look of the tonearm, stripping back the operating housing and anti-skate dial to their natural state. This provides better sound damping and helps to further reduce unwanted noise and interference.

Please note that whilst the original tonearm can’t be upgraded to the new Ekos SE specification, the counterweight can be used with both variants as well as the Ekos and Ittok tonearms.

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