Category: Tips

8 Tips For Getting Kids Into Classical Music

[youtube_sc url=”” ratio=”4:3″] When they are babies, buy your children musical toys that play classical music. These can range from cuddly toys that also speak, to night time soothers which will help them feel safe and relaxed at bedtime. Choose computer games that incorporate classical music, or neo-classical. For example, try Lemmings, a puzzle platform […]

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Sonos Troubleshooting

If you are having difficulties with your Sonos equipment you are more than welcome to call us. However, first please try these troubleshooting tips:   Check your firewall. It may be blocking your Sonos system. You can create an exception in your firewall software for Sonos. Reset your system, wait 60 seconds and restart. Check […]

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Caring For Your Records

Vinyl records are, by their nature, fragile and need a little help from time to time. We need to maintain them to keep them alive as long as possible and playing beautifully from start to finish. Cleaning Your Record The Milty vinyl cleaning range includes a specially formulated cleaning tape, a dry system that lifts dust […]

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