Tag: audio

Linn Kinos – The Heart Of Your System

Google Derived from Linn’s flagship Kisto System Controller, the Linn Kinos gives outstanding audio performance from stereo or surround-sound music, making the most of your CD collection and bringing you the benefit of improved sound quality from high-resolution formats such as Super Audio CD or DVD-Audio.   With the Linn Kinos System Controller at the […]

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The 10 Greatest Music Gadgets ever.

What are the greatest music gadgets ever invented? Find out which 10 important pieces of music-making kit changed everything for the better. As Friedrich Nietzsche once said: “Life without music would be a mistake.” 1. Dansette (1952)   Selling one million units in the 50s and 60s, Dansette became a household name in post-war Britain […]

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