Rococo Systems And Designs – About Us
Rococo Systems & Designs are a specialist hi-fi distributor for the audiophile’s of today. Empowering hundreds of customers around the world to start their high-end audio journey with our experienced team and award winning support.We have a passion for helping others enjoy the finest high end music as much as we do. We achieve this by understanding & championing the greatest hi-fi manufacturers who we trust to create the best quality systems that we know our customers will love.
Our team works tirelessly to deliver an outstanding impact on our customers and impress them with the systems that will give their home the wow factor it deserves! Deeply rooted as a British hi-fi distributor, we strive to continue on both the original hi-fi legacy, as well as it’s expansion. Today, we now offer over 200 exceptional products and services, all of which can be ordered through our website.
Rococo Systems & Designs
Rococo Systems & Designs, formerly known as Rococo Securities, was founded in 1998. When the business first began under the name of Rococo Securities it revolved around home security, CCTV, and lighting. Over the last decade, Rococo has changed its layout and widened its focus. Now Rococo Systems offer a greater range of services including providers and repair specialists of multi-room entertainment systems.
Our first demonstration facility was located in a penthouse in Danbury Street, North London. This amazing property was spread across the top floors of five Georgian properties and the décor was a mixture of Rococo style with French and English paneled rooms. Over the years we have been very fortunate to be associated with these amazing surroundings and now 26 years later we still have these amazing demo areas keeping them up to date with our latest technology.

Home Cinema Demo Facility
Wherever you may be in your hi-fi journey, whether you’re at the checkout, or if you’re just looking for some advice; we are here to help!
With over 20 years experience, we can install Smart TV’s mounted on or recessed into the wall. For example, visual cables can look very messy! So if needed we can chase out walls to hide the messy cables and redecorate. Alternatively, if you’re looking for someone to help you with connecting your current sources into your new system we have a qualified team who can achieve this. When Rococo Systems began technology was much more complex. In the modern world of today, technology is much more advanced with new inventions of cables and sources, meaning we are able to put together a more affordable system requiring less labour, less cables and less to go wrong!
Linn Speakers
We take great pride in being able to offer complete custom installations for both the home and office, from a basic installation to all the services we can provide. To ensure we keep up to date fully with new technologies, we regularly attend our suppliers training courses. This opens new doors for us to take on both old and new systems.
We advise our customers to keep their systems up to date, even if it’s just the standard software updates. Rococo has a great understanding of the legacy products such as the Linn Knekt Multi Room System along with Opus Multi Room. These systems still have outstanding sound quality, so rather than replacing your system we can also bring it up to date which is likely to cost far less than replacing it.